
Five men implicated in Havendale cocaine bust return to court on January 28

By Racquel Porter    
The five men implicated in the almost $12 billion cocaine bust in Havendale, St. Andrew, are to return to the Home Circuit Court on January 28.
Junior Haldane, 72, and Aubrey Sterling had their bail extended. But Clive Davis, 57; Collin Ricketts, 58; and Clayton Peart, 42, were further remanded when they appeared in court on Tuesday.
Mr. Haldane and Mr. Sterling were offered $3 million bail last month.
The men are charged with possession of, dealing in, trafficking cocaine and conspiracy.
The accused were arrested on August 6, 2024, when officers from the Firearms and Narcotics Investigation Division, accompanied by units from the Counter-Terrorism and Organised Crime Investigations Branch, raided the house and seized several knitted bags containing cocaine.
Approximately 2,600 kilogrammes, or 5,569 pounds of the drug, with a street value of US$75.79 million, was allegedly found during a three-hour operation.
The police were reportedly acting on information when they went to the property as the men were allegedly loading a bus with the bags of cocaine.
Mr. Haldane and Mr. Sterling were reportedly seen behind the bus and accosted after they ran.
But during last month's bail application, Mr. Haldane's attorney Lloyd McFarlane and Mr. Sterling's attorney Ludlow Black denied that their clients were involved in drug trafficking.
Mr. McFarlane, submitted that his client had no knowledge of the drugs and that his position close to the bus was not sufficient grounds for the charge of drug possession.
The lawyer also indicated that his client had medical issues and that there were concerns about his health.
Meanwhile, Mr. Black told the court that Mr. Sterling, who is a taxi driver, had merely gone to the premises to do a drop-off when the police came and saw him.
The other three men were denied bail because of concerns that they were flight risks, along with the strength of the prosecution's case.
Attorney-at-law Donahue Martin is representing Mr. Davis.
King's Counsel Tom Tavares-Finson and Carole Phillips are representing Mr. Ricketts, while attorney-at-law Tamika Dunbar is appearing for Mr. Peart.

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